OS2-eCs Networking Consultants
ArcaOS 5.0.5 has been Released!

Linux & ArcaOS 5.0.6 stuff I use that might be useful.

IBM Lotus Millinium 9.8

1-4-2021 Clipgrab has been updated and now finally runs on Linux & ArcaOS.

1-17-2021 I run SuSE Linux Leap 15.2 with two installs of ArcaOS 5.0.6 and one eCS 2.1-b2 installed as Virtual Machines. Lotus 123 is a must for me in my work. The download abov of Lotus Smartsuite 9.8 is the last updated version I.B.M. released for Windoz. I do not use Windows, however Linux runs Windows software really well if you have Wine software installed. The above download works fine as long as you stay away from the addiotional items offered at the end of the install. Theste additional Software oferings are located in the "Extra" directory of the download. .


Telephone: 011-521-331-479-5022 Guadalajara
Mexico D.F. - Guadalajara - Monterrey
This site last updated 4-21-2022